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Blood and Magic: A New Adult Paranormal Romance Page 11

  His eyes lit up. “Yeah, my buddy Dan is having one tonight. His parents are out of town.”

  “Great. I’ll bring Vanessa, her date, and Maria.”

  He eyed me. “No date for yourself?”

  “Not this time.”

  That pleased him. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I wasn’t interested. I needed him to get into the party. “Text me the deets?”

  “You got it.”

  My phone buzzed as Maria, Vanessa, and I entered the small café we used to go to for milkshakes in sophomore year. It was from Nicholas.

  Where are you? I went to your house, but your mom said you were out. Who are you with?

  Maria cocked her head to get a better look. I turned off the screen. “What was that about?”

  “Nothing important.”

  My phone buzzed again.

  At least let me know you’re safe.

  I ignored it and ordered a strawberry milkshake. Vanessa got a banana split, and Maria a vanilla one. “It’s good to know we can still do this. Let’s make a pact,” I declared, high on the buzz from today. “In two years, no matter what we’re doing, let’s meet up on this date in this café.”

  Maria pulled out her phone and typed something into it. “Yes. I’ve set a reminder.”

  Vanessa and I did the same. My phone buzzed again, then again. I finally checked it after we finished our milkshakes. It was Nicholas again.

  We’re going out to the forest. I just wanted to say good-bye.

  My heart leapt. I checked the time. It was five. They’d be leaving in two hours. “Vanessa,” I said, thinking quickly. “Have you invited Joshua yet?”

  She nodded. “He said he was busy.”

  I calmed my breathing so as not to arise suspicion that something was wrong. I had to find a way to stop them from going out there. They could die. I grabbed my phone.

  I’m going to a party tonight… can you come with me, please?

  I waited for him to respond while listening to Maria describe in detail the essay she sent to Yale.

  My phone buzzed.

  I can’t.

  I quickly typed back.

  I don’t know what I’ll do.

  He texted back within seconds.

  Then don’t go.

  I typed my reply.

  I’m going. I really hope you decide to come.

  Ugh. I needed a distraction. “Let’s go get our outfits before the store closes. I’ll pay for our shakes.” I waved at the cashier to ask for the check. It was the least I could do.

  I picked a dark red top to match my lips and a fitted leather jacket, along with skinny jeans and suede ankle boots. I knew how to dress to my body type. I wore jeans that clung to my legs. They were my best feature. I walked out of the fitting rooms and Vanessa gushed. “You always look so good!”

  “Thanks, girl.”

  We waited for Maria to come out. She wore a sensible green dress, but it hugged her curves. She pulled her hair down. She had perfect bone structure; any hairstyle worked on her. Vanessa picked a short blue skirt with red stockings and flats.

  “Nope.” I hurried to the racks and picked out a figure-hugging red dress. “Here.” I handed the dress to Vanessa. “Show off what you’ve got, girl. Trust me.”

  She looked at the dress nervously. “Are you sure?”

  “Try it on,” I urged. While she was in the changing room, I pulled my compact mirror out of my satchel and reapplied my lipstick.

  My phone buzzed. It was Nicholas. I shoved the lipstick back in my bag and unlocked my phone.

  Orders from the elders of the coven told us to wait until daytime when the wendigo will be weaker. Thought you’d want to know.

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Thank God.

  Vanessa walked out of the fitting room looking sheepish. “I don’t know.”

  Maria and I gasped in unison. “You look hot!” Maria said sharply.

  “Super hot,” I added.

  Vanessa beamed. “I don’t have any shoes to match.”

  “I’ll take care of that,” I said and went off to find a pair of boots to go with the dress.

  After finding the perfect lace-up boots, we went to pay. I lifted the basket to the cashier and looked at my phone. Nicholas had texted me back.

  Joshua is going to the party. I’m actually hanging out with Jayde tonight, so I won’t be able to make it.

  My heart raced. The cashier asked cash or card, but I couldn’t concentrate. Did he seriously say he was hanging out with Jayde? Jayde Merriweather? I swiped my card and turned toward Vanessa.

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she joked.

  Tears formed in the corner of my eyes. “Nicholas is spending tonight with Jayde.”

  She gasped. “No! I thought you two were going to… you know.”

  I ground my teeth. “We weren’t, but now we never will be.”

  My heart hurt. It was dumb to be so upset over a guy. If I were reading one of my books, I’d be screaming at the protagonist to get over it and be strong, but real life was rarely so straightforward.

  My perfect day was ruined. So much for trying to get back to the old me. Vanessa grabbed my hand. “Do you want me to ask Joshua to bring Nicholas?”

  I shook my head. “No. I don’t want him there. Let’s just go and get ready. I want to look smoking tonight.”

  Vanessa squeezed tight and walked back with me, hand in hand. Maria joined us and held my other hand. For the first time in a long time, we were a threesome again. With them at my side, I could do anything, and I would show Nicholas. If he didn’t want me, there was someone who did.

  Chapter Nine

  The house was two stories high, situated in the rich part of town. The outside of the house was covered with wood panels, and hanging white lights were draped around the fence. Jeering from the guys could be heard as we knocked on the door. No one answered so we walked in.

  Vanessa held my hand. She always got nervous at parties. “I wish I’d brought the twins!” she shouted over the music.

  I squeezed her clammy hand. “You have me and Maria. That’s all you need.” I dragged them past two guys kissing by the stairs and a couple tonguing each other into oblivion.

  It wasn’t long before I saw the back of Grayson. He was wearing his varsity jacket and denim jeans. He looked good—tall, muscular, and confident. The perfect distraction. “Grayson.” I tapped him on the shoulder.

  He turned and looked me up and down. “Well damn.” He grinned. “You look incredible, Kate. I’m glad you came.”

  I flashed him a prizewinning smile. “Thanks for inviting me.”

  “I’ll get you a drink. You like beer still?”

  My heart raced. Could I drink with my meds? I wasn’t sure. “You know what, let’s do it.”

  He looked at me approvingly and grabbed a cold beer from the ice chest and popped the top off with his keys.

  I noticed Amara’s crew, minus Jayde, standing in the corner, looking at the rest of us like vermin. “I see they’re over her death already.”

  Grayson shrugged. “Anyway, what made you change your mind? You seemed done with this scene.”

  I reached out and ran my finger down his hard chest. “Can’t a girl change her mind?”

  A mischievous glint danced in Grayson’s bright blue eyes. “When it’s you, yes.” He wrapped his arm around my waist. He was easily five inches taller than me. I felt safe in his arms. I hated to be a cliché, but I was a sucker for muscles.

  Vanessa looked at the doorway radiantly. The reason—Joshua. He walked in and, to my dismay, was followed by Nicholas and Jayde. Nicholas stared at Grayson’s arm. His hand moved down to my lower back, then cupped my ass. I threw Nicholas a smirk before turning my attention back to Grayson. It served him right for showing up and rubbing him and Jayde in my face. She looked as beautiful as ever, but she had that permanent bitchy look. Come to think, I’d never seen her without it. There was one difference, however. There was
a faint sadness etched on her face.

  The music got louder, and the beat pulsated through me—along with the beer. I was feeling buzzed. Grayson handed me another beer and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. The music was booming, so I could hardly make out what he was saying. Everyone was drunk. There was a guy passed out on the toilet when I went to pee, a couple making out next to him in the tub, and I noticed the upstairs bedrooms were locked.

  I thanked the host, Dan, for letting me come. He was Grayson’s best friend after all. He didn’t look particularly happy I was there but seemed to come around by the end of the night.

  Vanessa was out back by the pool with Joshua. The guys next to them were smashing it at beer pong. Grayson walked me to the table, and I got into it too. I guessed I had a competitive side. Unfortunately, I wasn’t great at the game, and feeling tipsy quickly turned to being wasted. My meds had lowered my tolerance. I clutched onto Grayson as everything started to blur.

  I scanned the backyard for Nicholas but couldn’t see him. All my emotions rushed to the surface. I looked up at Grayson. “I’m going to the restroom.”

  He grinned. “Want me to come with?”

  “No. I’ll be back in a sec.”

  He tapped my ass as I walked away. I stumbled through the crowds of rowdy students until I found Nicholas standing with Jayde. “I need to talk to you.”

  Jayde and the others laughed, and she stared at me with a sardonic frown. I dismissed her and looked Nicholas straight in the eyes. “How could you—”

  He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the girls. “You’re wasted.”

  “Why do you care?” I asked, trying to regain my balance.

  His gaze darkened. “You know I care. Jealously doesn’t suit you.”

  I sucked in a deep breath and pushed his arm off me. “I’m not jealous.”

  “Then why are you acting like this?”

  I swallowed hard. I wanted to cry. Everything was heightened—my want for Nicholas, my betrayal by him coming with Jayde, and my guilt for leading Grayson on. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes. With a cracked voice, I let everything spill. “Because you led me on. You made me fall for you and then you blow hot and cold, tell me you’re not coming tonight, then bring Jayde of all people. You hurt me.”

  He took a step back, stunned. “Me and Jayde are not what you think.”

  I was hurt. My bottom lip trembled. “Is that all you have to say?”

  He looked uncomfortable. “I didn’t know you fell for me…”

  I cleared my throat. “Well, consider my opening up to you a mistake. You’re worse than Grayson and the other guys here. You pretend to be a good guy when really, you’re a jerk. At least they’re honest about who they are.”

  “This is the drink talking.”

  I pushed him. “No, it’s not!” I shouted and stumbled away. He tried to stop me and held my arm, but I shook him. “If you don’t want to be with me, then stay the hell away from me. I don’t care if we’re partners in this witch stuff.”

  He gave me a stern look. “Keep your voice down!”

  “I don’t care. Just stay away from me. I can’t be friends with you or whatever this was.”

  I stormed off, not bothering to ask people to move, and made my way back to Grayson and the others.

  Vanessa and Maria had taken to sitting with Joshua by the pool. Vanessa sidled up to Joshua, and several girls gave her an envious stare. Good. I was glad she was finally getting some attention.

  “Hey, babe.” Grayson wrapped his arm around me. “Everything okay?”

  Damn. I must have still had tears on my cheeks.

  The next hour was a blur. Grayson kept handing me drinks, and before long, we were all cozied up in Dan’s den at the back of the yard away from the rest of the party. The guys were play-fighting and Grayson sidled up close to me. I could hardly speak. Everything was moving too fast. “Do you want to go somewhere quieter?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Uhm” was all I could manage.

  He gave the guys a look, and Dan said something about using his bedroom. Grayson half-carried me out of the den and across the yard.

  I tried to look around to find Vanessa or Maria, but they weren’t anywhere to be seen. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I went to answer it, but Grayson took it. “You’re too drunk to be answering calls,” he teased.

  “I feel sick,” I told him.

  “I’ll get you some water. Let’s get you upstairs.”

  I saw Nicholas from the corner of my eye, but Grayson lifted me in his arms and I lost sight of him. The room was spinning. “I need to lie down.”

  “You will,” he said and carried me into Dan’s room. He plonked me onto the bed. I stretched my legs and nestled into the covers. I just wanted to sleep. Grayson sat next to me and ran his hand up my inner thigh. “I’ve missed you.”

  I tried to catch my breath. I felt so sick. “I need a drink.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Coffee. Water.”

  “I’ll be right back.” He left and locked the door behind him.

  The bed spun around. I moved downward and hung my legs off the end. Ughh what had I done? I was never drinking again.

  I was awoken by shouting outside the door. I must’ve passed out. I tried to sit up, but my head was spinning. There were several loud bangs on the door until it broke open and light spilled into the room. I covered my eyes.

  “Kate? What happened?”

  I groaned agitatedly. “What?”

  “What did he do to you?”

  “Nothing,” I said defensively. I opened my eyes and saw Joshua and Nicholas. “What did you do?”

  I felt myself sobering up.

  “Nothing yet,” Nicholas growled. “I told Grayson to get out before I hit him.”

  I looked at the pair of them slack-jawed. “He didn’t do anything to me. He went to get coffee.”

  Nicholas looked like he didn’t buy a word of it. “You’re coming with us.”

  “I’m going nowhere with you,” I slurred. I attempted to prop myself up so I could look a little less pathetic, but the scene had already started grappling unwanted attention. It was so embarrassing.

  Nicholas was pissed. I’d never seen him angrier than he was at that moment. He looked me dead in the eyes. “You’re coming with me.”

  Joshua walked out, probably to find Vanessa.

  I looked up at Nicholas. Our gazes latched onto each other’s. “Only if you show me what you really want.”

  He wrapped his arm around my back and pulled tightly into him. He gazed into my eyes, not sweetly but with urgency. “You really want me to show you? This is when you want to do this?”

  I answered by parting my lips. “Are you scared?”

  It wasn’t like our first kiss. This one was hotter. I felt his burning passion, and I was too deep in the throes of it to care why he decided now was the time.

  When we pulled away from each other, he shook his head. “You’re fucking insane.”

  I looked mischievously at the door. “So are you. I guess we should go before they kick us out.”

  I liked being in the crazy with him. It felt so right. I felt soberer now. I wasn’t sure if it was the kiss or the drama that had happened, but something half-sobered me up. I could at least stand on my own now.

  I emerged with Nicholas and hid my face from the people gathered outside of the room. He lifted my chin up with his thumb. “Don’t do that.” He turned and looked at everyone else. “Enjoying the show?”

  They moved out of the way as Dan and his friends climbed the stairs. They were angry as hell.

  “We’re going,” I promised.

  “Get the fuck out of my house. That’s the last time you screw with Grayson again.”

  Nicholas squared up to them. “What are you going to do, huh? He would have taken advantage. You know he would’ve.”

  Dan growled. “Get your ghetto ass and your bitch out of here.”

  Without w
arning, Nicholas let me go and punched Dan in the mouth. “Call her that again, and I’ll fucking kill you.”

  “Okay,” I said softly, grabbing his arm and giving Dan an apologetic look. “It’s time to go.”

  We laughed as we stumbled down the driveaway. “Did you see their faces?”

  He stared ahead, focused, high on adrenaline like I was. “It felt good to let go.”

  “On Dan’s face.”

  “He had it coming.”

  I bit my bottom lip. “Still. I feel bad. I should apologize.”

  He stopped me from walking. “You have nothing to apologize for. Don’t you dare.”

  I gazed up at him and placed my hand on his chest. I admired his perfect cupid-bow lips and dark, enchanting eyes. “I had a taste of the darkness with you, and I liked it,” I admitted for the first time, to him and to myself.

  I felt his heart hammer in his chest. “I’m afraid if I go with you, that you’ll be broken beyond repair.”

  I wanted to make him feel better. I hated seeing him wounded. “I can handle whatever it is you think you’re protecting me from.”

  He kissed me again. The alcohol had made our bond weaker. I couldn’t reach into his mind, but I didn’t need to. I could tell what he was thinking from the way he kissed me.

  We walked arm in arm back to his house. It took longer than usual. We kept stopping to kiss. By the time we reached the front door, we were panting. He looked at me devilishly and pushed me through into the living room. I almost tripped over a pillow lying on the floor. He picked me up into his arms and carried me to the bedroom.

  It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Nicholas looked so determined yet conflicted as he stared at me on his bed. I purposely laced my hand up my top. I hadn’t worn a bra. He looked frenzied and lay on top of me. He rubbed his finger along my bottom lip, which was still swollen from our kissing sessions. I rocked up against him and felt his hard length under his pants. With urgency in his gaze, he climbed onto the bed and pressed his face between my legs. Just knowing how close his mouth was, I thrusted my hips upward in want. His lips nipped my clit. I groaned loudly, not caring who could hear. He took me in his mouth and swirled his tongue. I pushed his head down. Vibrations purred through me as he skillfully edged me into a primal state. His tongue darted in and out until he caressed his first orgasm out of me. He pushed his tongue into me as I came in his mouth.